Ramadhan activities for kids

The 'American Muslim Mom' website have collected and put together some really great Ramadhan activity links for children. Be sure to check it out.

This should keep the kids busy over the current summer holidays, inshaAllaah!

Nasheed - My Mum is Amazing by Zain Bhikha

Ramadan Mubarak

Click and scroll your mouse over the image below:

Ramadan health guide: a guide to healthy fasting

This is a pdf guide produced by Communities in Action with the support and development from the Dept of Health. It has some general tips for a healthy Ramadhan - Click on the link below to download

Ramadan health guide: a guide to healthy fasting

Ramadhan Chocolate Countdown Calendar

I bought this Ramadhan chocolate countdown calendar from Tesco's. I'm sure it will go down a treat with children during ramadhan. 

Everyday there is a ramadhan question to answer before opening up a chocolate.

This product is endorsed by the Islamic Cultural Centre, London, and a percentage of the proceeds from the sale are donated to them.

Getting the most out of Ramadhan

As we will soon be entering the blessed month of Ramadhan, I thought I would share some usefull tools I found along the years that help get the most out of Ramadhan.

1. Al-Kauthar Institute - Month of Mercy Ramadhan Checklist

2. Tayyibun Institute -Ramadan Preperation Course Pack

Let us all try and make the most of Ramadhan and come closer to Allaah (swt) and not be of those who fall under the hadeeth...."Perhaps a person fasting will receive nothing from his fasting except hunger and thirst" (Ibn Maajah)

Three Groups of People:

  1. Those who fast in Ramadhan only because everyone else does, and they'll get in trouble with their family if they don't; they don't really care about getting the maximum benefit out of Ramadhan. These people gain nothing except hunger, thirst, and unsatisfied desires.
  2. Those who hate Ramadhan, will not fast/ will only pretend to fast. They will be punished for their hatred of this blessed and beloved month.
  3. Those who love Ramadhan, can't wait for it, prepare for it the way one prepares for the arrival of a loved one; spend their days fasting in a way that Allah is pleased with them, spends their nights in tahajjud and other 'ebaadah. They were good people before Ramadhan, and are even better during Ramadhan. Their reward with Allah is abundant and is so great only Allah knows how much reward they receive.

Also as one shaykh put very nicely in a talk I recently heard (Preparing for Ramadhan – Yasir Qadhi) we all rise in our levels of emaan and actions in Ramadhan, the key and the purpose of Ramadhan is to try and increase every year. So if you climb 10 levels in emaan and actions (eg, read 10 pages quran a day) then make sure after Ramadhan you don't go fall down to a level of zero. At worst go down to level 1 (reading 1 page of quran a day)

We ask Allaah (swt) by all his beautiful names & lofty attributes firstly to give us the opportunity to witness Ramadhan and to be of those who use to increase in our closeness to him & save our selves from the fire innak ant as-sami ud-dua (verily he is the hearer of our dua's). Ameen

Printable Dua

Here's some useful printable duas from the islam4parents website, which you can hang up around the home for children. These printable duas include leaving/entering home, before/after eating, before sleep/waking.

I've laminated mine and put them up, although I have a baby and he is no where near the age to read - it is a reminder for both myself and my husband!

A useful dua sheet for expectant mothers is also available to download. I compiled a dua sheet very similar to this while I was pregnant, so alhumdulillaah this one is available online for everyone to benefit.

Heaven Under Your Feet - Pregnancy for Muslim Women

I came across this book whilst i was in a bookshop recently, and I wish it had been published before I was pregnant!

I crammed myself with info from western websites/videos about the whole preganancy/labour/birth and it would have been nice to get some islamic perspective on this major topic. There are three chapters in the book, You, Your baby and Labour & Birth. I like the fact that this book has duas in the appendix for this unique and special moment in your life that are relevant to you, your baby and the labour.

In another section of the book, the author, Umm Hasan bint Salim, discusses a list of useful islamic items to pack for the hospital, which includes zam zam - again something i wish i could have packed! 'The water of zamzam is whatever it has been drunk for' (Ibn Majah). Whatever dua we make before drinking zam zam is granted. Therefore we can make dua for pain relief, easy birth, relieve newborn of any problems after birth etc.

This book is packed with great islamic advice on pregnancy & birth, and I would recommend all new expectant mothers to purchase it.

'Heaven Under Your Feet' is available from all good Islamic bookshops and through selected online islamic stores.

Sisters Magazine

Currently in its third year of print, Sisters Magazine, for Muslim women, is becoming popular amongst sisters and mothers for its content of lifestyle articles from an Islamic perspective.

'Sisters' is truly gorgeous. Its published quarterly and packed with inspirational articles ranging from spirituality to cooking with beautiful images to compliment.

I love curling up on the sofa after I've put the baby to bed or sometimes in between household chores. This is one of my escapism items, my favourite parts of the magazine being the 'inspiration' and 'family' sections. Their 'tastes' sections is also mouth watering!

The latest Summer 2009 edition is out now, to subscribe or view online articles visit the website Sisters Magazine