1. Al-Kauthar Institute - Month of Mercy Ramadhan Checklist
2. Tayyibun Institute -Ramadan Preperation Course Pack
Let us all try and make the most of Ramadhan and come closer to Allaah (swt) and not be of those who fall under the hadeeth...."Perhaps a person fasting will receive nothing from his fasting except hunger and thirst" (Ibn Maajah)
Three Groups of People:
- Those who fast in Ramadhan only because everyone else does, and they'll get in trouble with their family if they don't; they don't really care about getting the maximum benefit out of Ramadhan. These people gain nothing except hunger, thirst, and unsatisfied desires.
- Those who hate Ramadhan, will not fast/ will only pretend to fast. They will be punished for their hatred of this blessed and beloved month.
- Those who love Ramadhan, can't wait for it, prepare for it the way one prepares for the arrival of a loved one; spend their days fasting in a way that Allah is pleased with them, spends their nights in tahajjud and other 'ebaadah. They were good people before Ramadhan, and are even better during Ramadhan. Their reward with Allah is abundant and is so great only Allah knows how much reward they receive.
Also as one shaykh put very nicely in a talk I recently heard (Preparing for Ramadhan – Yasir Qadhi) we all rise in our levels of emaan and actions in Ramadhan, the key and the purpose of Ramadhan is to try and increase every year. So if you climb 10 levels in emaan and actions (eg, read 10 pages quran a day) then make sure after Ramadhan you don't go fall down to a level of zero. At worst go down to level 1 (reading 1 page of quran a day)
We ask Allaah (swt) by all his beautiful names & lofty attributes firstly to give us the opportunity to witness Ramadhan and to be of those who use to increase in our closeness to him & save our selves from the fire innak ant as-sami ud-dua (verily he is the hearer of our dua's). Ameen
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